Ever do an event that didn’t quite pan out the way you had hoped or expected? I have, and recently did an event where not much of the public came in to shop. This was the second time it happened to me in my 4 years of doing business but it made me realize how much I’ve personally and spiritually grown during that time. And now, I use this “situation” to my advantage for the future.
Here is how my day went. I got up early, packed my car with my products and information, went to my partner’s house to pick her up (because you really need 2 people at an event), she followed me in her car and we traveled up north about an hour or so. Both of us got lost for different reasons, I didn’t have my directions with me as I mistakenly gave her both copies, and she missed the exit we were supposed to turn off.. I was mildly upset because although I knew the area somewhat, I still felt like “Now what do I do??” I refused to call my husband and ask him because I secretly didn’t want him to know I didn’t listen to his directions, lol. My partner, ended up finding the event location before I did. I got there about 10-15 minutes later. Should have been my first clue how the day was going to go right? Not so!
We both set up our table and then I looked around to see who was there. Instantly I felt excited because almost all the companies there I knew about due to my networking experience. I also felt my tension disappear from getting lost and from the daily stresses at home.
About a half an hour after the event started, I noticed the public hadn’t really arrived yet and thought this is a little odd but brushed it off as I was happy to be away from home for a day. About 2 hours later things started looking a little grim so I thought here’s my chance to go network with the other vendors and check out the goodies they have.
This where my fun really began because I enjoy talking to reps from other companies. I learn ideas, tips, knowledge, training, that I would not get anywhere else. We tell each other stories of our experiences, products, what works and what doesn't. This creates a business relationship that could turn into something profitable for both us immediately or down the road.
Most people have an instinctive need to help other people. I thrive on helping people and reps because for the most part, I’m in the same boat and it gives me a sense of feeling good that I had a little something to do with making them happy.
I collected business cards of everyone I spoke to and then emailed them personally to thank them for a wonderful time and for speaking with me. I truly did have a good time in spite of the public not being there.
For example, I saw a company there I had never heard of and just had to check them out. They had the most colorful and awesome smelling soaps. I stood there smelling each and every one and then wrote down 6 I liked the most so I can order them later. (Bubble Bakery –
My partner started talking to the woman next to us who was with a scrapbooking company (Creative Memories –
www.mycmsite.com/phoule ). I have to admit, I had my “feelings” on that company but was due to not being knowledgeable about the company or the products. After talking with her awhile, I had a new sense of understanding and respect for the company. She showed us the storybook idea and how to create one on her laptop. The interesting part was she showed us all this creativity in a non-selling approach, more like a couple of women sharing something fun together. My partner and I spoke afterwards that we couldn’t wait to get home and download the software and try the storybook idea for ourselves.
Then I got to do something I’ve learned in the past year that really helps everybody involved. One of the reps I spoke with does a make-up and skin care line, one of which I always call the “Orange Line”. There was another person standing there looking at the products and so I thought I’d share my good experiences with a few of the products I use. I’ve found this adds credibility for the rep and for myself as I’m from another company and I'm recommending the rep's products. Plus, a customer’s testimonial on a product is more powerful than the rep’s testimonial.
The networking went on for the rest of the day and I was enjoying it. It gave me the chance to see new products/changes the company introduced. Now that I’ve met these people, have the business cards, know them a little better, there’s more of a chance that I will recommend them to people I meet along the way. Referrals are very powerful when done right and out of gratitude. People always ask me about something they’re looking for and I always seem to know a rep who has it and being able to refer them makes me feel good and creates a wiin/win for everybody involved.
So, next time you find yourself in what seems like a non-profitable situation, look further than the obvious and you’ll find a profitable solution appear. Some of the vendors may feel we all lost something that day, but I feel I’ve gained more than I bargained for. Make the choice to be positive about the situation as we always have choices. The positive choices you make today is what brings positive results tomorrow. :-)