Reflections in the Mirror
“Reflections in the waves spark my memories,
some happy, some sad.”
The people in your life are like waves on the ocean. Each wave has an impact on you whether they go past you with little or no resistance, or cause you to jump over by lifting you up. Some of the big ones offer another option – go under them and dodge the onslaught. But the ones that really make a difference in your decision making are the ones that slam into you – BAM! – and knock you on your ass. These kinds of waves leave you thinking, “Dang, where’d that come from? I gotta watch out next time” or “WHOA, that one got me good and hopefully no one saw my bathing suit top get wrapped around my head!” (Yes, I speak from experience, LOL)
Many people you come across are like those waves and how you react to them makes a difference in how you go on with your life. Each person reflects back to you what you think, feel, and believe whether it’s on a subconscious level or conscious level. One you understand this concept, your life will look a whole lot different and you learn more about yourself everyday.
I have a few people in my life who challenge my beliefs on a daily basis which creates an opportunity to “sift” through my beliefs and get rid of the ones that don’t serve me anymore. For example, I have a family member of mine and a local friend who worry about everything having to do with cleanliness almost to the point of OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). They also worry about what society will think of them on how they deal with certain situations such as disciplining children. Both of them play the role of being the victim very well.
When a situation arises where they’re telling me why I should or shouldn’t do something because they feel I’m wrong, I take a step back and look at the situation for what it really is. I acknowledge that I’m offended or hurt by what they said but I also figure out, what is it that I’m thinking or feeling to cause them to act this way towards me? I wouldn’t be affected by their actions if I didn’t relate to it on some level. Usually, I find that they triggered a deep seated belief that I have from childhood that doesn’t serve me anymore. A belief that formed out of my childhood fear of someone being mad at me and not loving me so I have to please everybody all the time. Compounding that belief were things like, “what if someone sees me like that?” “What if someone finds out I’m doing that?” “God is going to punish me for that.” “Don’t do that, everybody will think I’m foolish.” WHAT NONSENSE! So, with each situation I question what is being shown to me, realize the belief, give myself permission to get rid of it and move on.
I have another friend who I’m close to and spend a lot of time with and consequently I learn the most about myself from her. Being with her causes me to be aware of what vibration I’m putting out. Only recently did I notice a pattern that became obvious so, I practiced this on everyone I came in contact with.
When I’m stressed about something whether I knew what it was or not, someone would come into my life and portray exactly what my belief was about the situation. If their actions were not positive towards me, I stepped back and asked myself, “what frame of mind am I in to cause this?” I realized the belief I had about it didn’t help me anymore, got rid of it and it freed me from further stress. I chose to have a positive feeling vibration which allows people with the same vibrational match to appear.
You bring to yourself other people who think and feel the way you do whether you know it or not. The power of thought and feeling are that strong. So, in effect, they become a reflection of you in some way. But you need to keep an eye out and be aware of this happening to you. This is not a matter of blaming yourself for something, it’s more of seeing why you’re affected by the people that you encounter or are in your life already. You react to the situation because you relate to it on some level within you. Your job is to find out why, acknowledge it, find the negative or positive belief about it, and choose to get rid of it or keep it.
My suggestion to you to better understand this concept is to read “Zero Limits” by Joe Vitale. This book made the most impact on me in understanding the beliefs I have and where they came from.
Labels: Joe Vitale, mary leedy, ocean, reflections, Styx, Zero Limits
At 1:10 PM ,
Anita C. McCants said...
Wow! Interesting post :~)
At 1:11 PM ,
Anita C. McCants said...
Wow! Interesting post :~)
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