Life's Coming Attractions

Helping people develop a positive mindset to achieve their dreams and enjoying it. Light your way to Success!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Putting LOA to the Test

LOA - Law of Attraction.

The word "slagheap" came to mind 2 weeks ago. I had to laugh, as this a word my ex-boyfriend used to describe a person who is lazy, feels sorry for themselves, and does nothing about it to make life better. Yep, even I feel like one time to time and usually it's right smack in the middle of that pity party for one that I realize I have to get up and do something, especially something I really want to do.

I had this little vision or daydream whatever seems to fit better, that I would have a relaxing gathering of working women and stay-at-home Moms where we could just sit, talk, and breathe. :-) After realizing that I needed this more than anything, I came up with Coffee By Candlelight Night at a local Hotel/Spa/Restaurant. Here was my chance to burn some candles, have some on display, mingle with the women, and just talk to adults. After spending a lot of time with my children and letting life's distractions get in my way of feeling at my best, my time has come to do something or my health was going to deteriorate again and create another hospital stay.

So, I either read it in an email or heard it on a training call somewhere, that I should just take the first step in doing what I want. Set the date and write it down. After necessary action steps are taken, the money will come to be able to do it all smoothly. I'm supposed to just focus on "what" I want and do each step needed, not "how" it's going to get here, just as if it was happening right now. Definitely a beautiful picture in my mind. :-)

I made a list of all the things I need to prepare for the event, the gifts for guests, the jars for raffle, have my partner come help out, votive holders, my outfit I'll wear, and the table display for products. So far, so good. Some of the preparation stuff I already have and just need to put it aside so I know I don't have to do it later. Yep, still focusing on the vision of the event, me standing in front of people talking for a few minutes about what I do, telling a little bit about me, and that I'm glad that they're here. And visioning the votive candles burning on the tables creating ambience in the courtyard room which is all windows. (yes, holding on to that "rush" for 16 seconds and longer).

The testing/results of The Law of Attraction is starting to work as a job to work at the very Hotel I'm having the event at is looking for part-time summer help. How about that?!! And then, a job offer for magazine sales fell into my lap under another disguise just a few days ago! I'm thinking this is the "how" the money will appear to do my event. :-) I took the magazine sales job as it is similar to my candle sales only slightly different on approach. It also gets me out of the house and talking to other adults!!! I tell you, and some of you Moms know this to be true, talking to other adults is priceless when you have kids bugging you for everything under the sun.

So, what's next?? FOCUS, FOCUS, AND FOCUS!! That way, when it happens, it will be like deja vu cause this is what I planned all along. :-)

(Details on the Coffee By Candlelight Night is my my website under Shows & Team Links)


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