Life's Coming Attractions

Helping people develop a positive mindset to achieve their dreams and enjoying it. Light your way to Success!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Coffee By Candlelight Event IS ON!!

This is Part 2 from my last post.

The Universe sure does work quickly, at lease quicker than I expected anyway. My last post mentioned about focusing on the funds to make my event happen. On June 18th, one of my drawing entrants put in a huge order from my website and it covers the amount I just happen to need. Hmmmm, a coincidence?? I think not! :-) Not bad for a week's worth of focus huh?

I was very grateful for the order and emailed the entrant and expressed my gratitide and hope she enjoys all the different scents she chose. :-)

So, the last part of the FOCUS PHASE is to visualize having 40-50 people attend the event. The Hotel said that they can hold 100 people in the room I booked, I should focus on that number but somehow my brain can't wrap itself around that one.....yet! LOL So for now I'll just stick with "40-50 or better". :-) That way, I get what I want and if the Universe wants to give me more, bring it on!

Stay tuned for Part 3 coming up while I enjoy passing out postcards and focusing on the people count. :-)

NOTE: This is not goal-setting even though it sounds like it but I don't set goals, never have and never will. Too many "backfires" led to too many disappointments. This is about picturing what I want to see in front of me at a given time, or believing what I should have. As your mind pictures things (we work best with images), we give it a push and then we're open to seeing it come to us, and it does in bits and peices until the whole reality of it is here. If you're open to the reality of it being in front of you, then it will appear that way to you too. Kinda like..........thinking of buying a new car, you know what car you want, then all of the sudden you see them all over the place on the road! You were "open" to the possiblity of owning that car. Funny how that works eh? Pretty cool I say! :-)

SO! What YOU focusing on???


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