Life's Coming Attractions

Helping people develop a positive mindset to achieve their dreams and enjoying it. Light your way to Success!

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Power of Passion

As I'm getting older, I've come to admire those people who have the courage to follow their passion and live their dreams. They could have taken the easy way and just simply lived the comfortable life because it was there and nothing drove them to be or do any different.

I have a lifelong friend who I grew up with during my childhood years who now has become a woman who I have such admiration for. I always knew she had a passion for music especially the keyboards/piano but the fact that she took that passion and has made it into a life that enables her to touch others with it makes me proud to be her friend. She told me what it took to make her debut CD and that could have bought a house instead. I laughed at first because I would have said the same thing. But my admiration for her is because she took the opportunity to go after her dream instead. How many of us can say that about our lives right now? This may have cost her in more ways than one but I have this feeling it will come back to her 10-fold in the most rewarding way. You can't simply touch people's lives and make them feel good and not get rewarded for it in some way. The Law of Attraction doesn't work that way anyway. ;-)

Her name is Sandy Zio and you can see her website see what she has accomplished over the years. Her Myspace page is very well done with a few music clips to enjoy. I've included a couple clips I happen to enjoy from her CD so you can listen before you head over to her site. Just click on the links below and enjoy!

The CD - All That I Am, is a nice easy listening bluesy/pop/jazz compilation of songs she's written as well as songs written by people she knew. Each song is different from the next one making for a nice transition to each song, exposing more of her unique talent each time. That's what attracted me to it after the first 4 songs because normally new artists tend to make every song sound the same. "Don't Stop Talking" is becoming a hot pick song from people who have purchased her CD as well as "Someone to Love" and "Sister Madelene". "Sister Madelene" made me want to get up and go but unfortunately when I heard it for the first time, I was driving my car. LOL Dayanu kept my spirits going too.

I've always supported my friends and their passions because it's priceless to see them come alive doing what they love most. Sandy was generous enough to let me show my enthusiasm for her by putting some CDs on my table when I do my candle shows. I'll be able to play her CD at the table as well so people can listen and enjoy, what could be better than listening to spirit touching music while smelling awesome scented candles?? Gee, all that's missing is the wine and more friends!! :-)

You can order her CD from CD Baby through her website. Don't forget to say that you heard about Sandy from "Mary's Blog" so that I can send you a free gift as my heartfelt thank you for supporting an up and coming musician that has and will continue to touch the lives of many people with her awesome voice. :-)

After you've listened to the sound clips above, please VOTE HERE at the bottom for the song you like best. :-)

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hard Times

I learned something about a month ago and this post reminded me of it and thought I would share. I'm reading a book called "Wishcraft" by Barbara Sher and Annie Gottlieb. One of the chapters is titled "Is it Hard Times or is Network Marketing not for you". The terminology of course threw me off so I just had to read it! In this case, "hard times" means litterally throwing a fit or tantrum by yourself in a room until you get all the energy out of your system. I know you're thinking, "WTH??" (What The Heck?) Apparently, this technique is supposed to help you get out all your negative feelings in one shot, therefore, getting rid of all your mental/creative blocks so you can really "get down to brass tacks" of what you want to achieve to get to your goal. Pretty cool eh? :-)

You see, after the tantrum, you suddenly feel relieved of pressure you didn't know you had, possibly causing some laughter, and now you can start thinking creatively. I actually tried this and it felt so GOOD!!!! One I got all my negative whatevers out and expended, I found it easier to think about what I truly wanted and the ways to get what I wanted. I always tell people to think positive and find the silver lining in everything because it's there, you just gotta find it. But now, if you can't find it easily or it seems too obscure, or you feel like quitting, do a "Hard Times" session for 15 minutes and then rethink your position again. Chances are, the shimmer will appear in front of you more obvious than before and you'll be off and running again.

I've always done this with my kids but never thought about it for adults too. Even though I hate the noise, I know the end result will be worth it. When they're left to do their tantrum, they look foolish and silly and I can't help but laugh because they have all this anger over something so small in the big scheme of things. And because I'm laughing, they start to laugh too and they forget why they were pitching a fit to begin with and they're more agreeable to what needs to be done. Laughter allows the creativity to flow better.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Honoring Mom Contest

One of my awesome team partners, Allison Lawson, is hosting a contest at her blog in honor of Moms for May. I'm excited about the contest and hope you will be too by submitting your story. You can click on the picture to go to her site to get the details as well as a peek at what the prizes are. Remember, the deadline to submit your story is NO LATER THAN MAY 7TH.

Good Luck and I look forward to seeing who wins. :-)