Life's Coming Attractions

Helping people develop a positive mindset to achieve their dreams and enjoying it. Light your way to Success!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I asked, and I got it!

The Universe has given me something once again! :-) And this time, a little quicker than I expected, LOL. I was sitting here this afternoon wondering what to give my kids for lunch. Usually, I wait until my husband comes home so I can go out grocery shopping by MYSELF and buy the RIGHT things. So I was thinking of what to put together and I ended up giving them grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and then Ravioli for dinner.

Then after dinner I got an email about Meal Planning! Go Figure. LOL I saw this site once before, bookmarked it, and then forgot about going back there to get involved. And now it's back and I can learn to save money and time by fixing nutritional meals for my kids and family especially since school will be starting soon. I can't wait to get started and see what kind of weekly plans I can try. And it even offers a grocery list to take with you to the store. :-)

This will definitely cut down on time for me and structure dinner time better so I can have more time to devote to my business too (the night owl that I am). Wouldn't this help you out and make your day easier after you come home from work? How about you dads out there who enjoy cooking?

Check it out and make your life easier starting today. :-) Any recipes you try and have a good experience with, post it here and let me know. I'd love to hear your successes with it.


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