Life's Coming Attractions

Helping people develop a positive mindset to achieve their dreams and enjoying it. Light your way to Success!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

When God closes a door, he opens another one

My Coffee By Candlelight Night did not go well as planned, however, because I'm the kind of person that I am and see the big picture, I was not upset. A little disappointed, yes, but I got over it in a matter of minutes. LOL Truly, I did!

Here's why:
I was out of the house taking a break from my kids; the place was BEAUTIFUL after we set it up and with the staff's help; I was with my best friends, business partner, another awesome Bella Buddy not on my team, and 2 colleagues from another network group; I was dressed "to the hilt" (lol); I was relaxed and got to recharge my "batteries", 3 possible home parties AND sold 1 jar!!!

This may not sound like much but to me, this was the ultimate night out that I needed for a long time. :-) I left the place feeling refreshed and ready to conquer tomorrow with new ideas and thinking about how the next Coffee By Candlelight would be better. I was truly grateful for such a nice night, you had to be there to understand, lol.

The next day, God opened another door in the form of an email from my upline. This email said that a school was looking to get samples and such for a Fundraiser event they were doing in October. Well guess what?? I JUST HAPENED to have 50 wrapped votives ready to go! How cool is that??!! And I even had some melts ready to go too. The kicker is......another set of votives AND the melts are enough to get me a complimentary double page ad of advertising in their booklet which will be given out to over 500 women at this event!

BINGO!!! :-)

Did I say I was disappointed??? Oh disappointment shmisappointment, LOL LOL

And that my friends, is how the Law of Attraction and Gratitude works. THAT is the REALITY. I rather like this reality much better. :-)

If you can remember one thing, let it be that wherever you're at in your emotions, feelings, financially, spiritually, is what you'll see in front of you. It's all about perception. That's why 2 people can look at the same thing and see something different. :-)


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