Geting What You Want/Desire
I was responded to a post made by a Wicks2Wealth team member where she posted this website A cool movie clip to watch and thought I'd share it with you. :-)
That was a nice little movie and so true. Something tells me she's been or has read the book "Excuse Me Your Life is Wating" by Lynn Grabhorn. :-) I just started reading it and I found a piece of the puzzle I'm working on which turned out to be a key nugget. Every thought you think of whether good or bad and you put 16 seconds worth of feeling behind it, gets sent out to the Universe to give it back to you. AHA!!! :-)
So, when you write your list of "Don't Wants", write it down, then move on to the next one. Don't give each "Don't Want" 16 seconds worth of your energy! When you reverse your "don't want" to a "do want" with the right wording, focus on each one of those with 16 seconds before moving on to the next one. Cool eh? :-)
How's this neat trick for tricking your subconscious to make you believe you can do or get what is you want? Take the first "want" on your list and and change it to: (I'm using two of my examples)
DO WANT - To Be Diamond
WHY? - Because then I will be coaching my team to those who want my help.
Change TO BE to I'M and I WILL to I'M
(Spend 16 seconds feeellinng what's it like helping someone on the phone and getting myself and them jacked up with new ideas)
DO WANT - To Be Director
WHY? - Because then I will be making $10K a month to pay off debts and remodel my home
Change TO BE to I'M and I WILL to I'M
(Spending 16 seconds feeellinngg what it's like to pay a bill on time and feel myself walking though my new bedroom, my new office, my new walk-in closet, sitting on my new furniture)
The all-caps is what I say to myself every say because I'm looking for those opportunities to pop up in my life to get one step closer to my ultimate goal. I'm only using the figure $10K because my inner voice doesn't retort back with "yeah right!" when I say it.
Now, if you really want to make this work faster, use feeling words, words that just saying them alone gives you a warm fuzzy inside. Such as the word, desire, what emotion or feeling does word do for you? Most of us use the word "like" as in "I like.....". The point I'm making here is that when you say "I desire..." or "I like......" you're coming from a position that you've experienced it before or that you KNOW it already. Your subconscious and the Universe doesn't know whether it's real or not or whether you've done it already or not. It takes it as an order or command and they go out and match those same vibrations up with yours.
I say this because now I finally get it about when I say "I want" it really means that I'm lacking something or I wouldn't want it in the first place. So every time you say "I want" your vibration thats being sent out is the lack of what you don't have. And we don't want to send out that lacking feeling anymore.
Another tip I learned and wouldn't you know it, I don't remember which book it was from! LOL It said, next time you see something you like or want to have, don't start with the money end of it. Don't think about how you'll never afford it. Think about picturing yourself in it, on it, or using it. Even the small details, create a little movie in your head with it as if you saw it already. The Universe will take care of the money part for you with opportunites that pop up if you're open enough to see them.
I did this excercise yesterday at the beach while visiting my parents with the kids. My husband and I were standing by the water and a really cool looking boat went by. Granted, I'm not into boats very much but it was cool looking! LOL I know my husband saw it too. I immediately started seeing myself sitting on the boat, wind through my hair, smiling, sunning myself, my Dad setting up the fishing poles, Sam (hubby) driving the boat, my Mom getting snacks out for the kids, the sun being out with no clouds in sight, feeling the vibrations of the boat's motor and swiftly gliding along the water (I was thinking that part too clear and almost fell, lol). What a rush!!! Was it 16 seconds? I don't know but it felt so good I had to steady myself standing in front of my husband and remember where I was. You know what he was thinking? NO CASH FOR IT!! I tapped on his chest with my finger and said "And that's exactly what you're going to get, no cash and no boat just for thinking that way too long" Hrrmmppff!! Let's just say that he thinks I've lost whatever marbles I had left if at all. LOL
I have a fear of a lot of water, A LOT of water around me so boats were never really an issue of desire for me but seeing that boat out there was just too beautiful not to indulge in a made up fantasy of having it. I even went to bed remembering the sensation I felt thinking about it on the beach. Hmmm, be careful what I ask for I just might get it?? :-)
That was a nice little movie and so true. Something tells me she's been or has read the book "Excuse Me Your Life is Wating" by Lynn Grabhorn. :-) I just started reading it and I found a piece of the puzzle I'm working on which turned out to be a key nugget. Every thought you think of whether good or bad and you put 16 seconds worth of feeling behind it, gets sent out to the Universe to give it back to you. AHA!!! :-)
So, when you write your list of "Don't Wants", write it down, then move on to the next one. Don't give each "Don't Want" 16 seconds worth of your energy! When you reverse your "don't want" to a "do want" with the right wording, focus on each one of those with 16 seconds before moving on to the next one. Cool eh? :-)
How's this neat trick for tricking your subconscious to make you believe you can do or get what is you want? Take the first "want" on your list and and change it to: (I'm using two of my examples)
DO WANT - To Be Diamond
WHY? - Because then I will be coaching my team to those who want my help.
Change TO BE to I'M and I WILL to I'M
(Spend 16 seconds feeellinng what's it like helping someone on the phone and getting myself and them jacked up with new ideas)
DO WANT - To Be Director
WHY? - Because then I will be making $10K a month to pay off debts and remodel my home
Change TO BE to I'M and I WILL to I'M
(Spending 16 seconds feeellinngg what it's like to pay a bill on time and feel myself walking though my new bedroom, my new office, my new walk-in closet, sitting on my new furniture)
The all-caps is what I say to myself every say because I'm looking for those opportunities to pop up in my life to get one step closer to my ultimate goal. I'm only using the figure $10K because my inner voice doesn't retort back with "yeah right!" when I say it.
Now, if you really want to make this work faster, use feeling words, words that just saying them alone gives you a warm fuzzy inside. Such as the word, desire, what emotion or feeling does word do for you? Most of us use the word "like" as in "I like.....". The point I'm making here is that when you say "I desire..." or "I like......" you're coming from a position that you've experienced it before or that you KNOW it already. Your subconscious and the Universe doesn't know whether it's real or not or whether you've done it already or not. It takes it as an order or command and they go out and match those same vibrations up with yours.
I say this because now I finally get it about when I say "I want" it really means that I'm lacking something or I wouldn't want it in the first place. So every time you say "I want" your vibration thats being sent out is the lack of what you don't have. And we don't want to send out that lacking feeling anymore.
Another tip I learned and wouldn't you know it, I don't remember which book it was from! LOL It said, next time you see something you like or want to have, don't start with the money end of it. Don't think about how you'll never afford it. Think about picturing yourself in it, on it, or using it. Even the small details, create a little movie in your head with it as if you saw it already. The Universe will take care of the money part for you with opportunites that pop up if you're open enough to see them.
I did this excercise yesterday at the beach while visiting my parents with the kids. My husband and I were standing by the water and a really cool looking boat went by. Granted, I'm not into boats very much but it was cool looking! LOL I know my husband saw it too. I immediately started seeing myself sitting on the boat, wind through my hair, smiling, sunning myself, my Dad setting up the fishing poles, Sam (hubby) driving the boat, my Mom getting snacks out for the kids, the sun being out with no clouds in sight, feeling the vibrations of the boat's motor and swiftly gliding along the water (I was thinking that part too clear and almost fell, lol). What a rush!!! Was it 16 seconds? I don't know but it felt so good I had to steady myself standing in front of my husband and remember where I was. You know what he was thinking? NO CASH FOR IT!! I tapped on his chest with my finger and said "And that's exactly what you're going to get, no cash and no boat just for thinking that way too long" Hrrmmppff!! Let's just say that he thinks I've lost whatever marbles I had left if at all. LOL
I have a fear of a lot of water, A LOT of water around me so boats were never really an issue of desire for me but seeing that boat out there was just too beautiful not to indulge in a made up fantasy of having it. I even went to bed remembering the sensation I felt thinking about it on the beach. Hmmm, be careful what I ask for I just might get it?? :-)
At 3:59 AM ,
Unknown said...
HI, I love your way of thinking. You sound like a very inspirational person and I look forward to someday chatting with you and getting to know you better.
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