Books That Make You Think Positive
Here are a few books I've been reading that have helped me in my personal growth and keep my positve thinking energy going. If you can get your hands on these, your life will change for the better. You can check out or your nearest book store should have them.
Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success - The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement - by Napoleon Hill
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself - by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D
The Magic of Thinking Big - by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - by Angelica Eberle Wagner
The Dream Giver - by Bruce Wilkinson (I'm currently reading)
I did a little test on myself in the last few months. I started out reading these books, reading an hour every night before I went to bed. Just a few chapters in that hour. I actually started feeling pretty good about my future and what I wanted out of my business. Then for about a month, I got sidetracked with all the daily duties of being a Mom to 3 kids and going to the beach so they can play. I didn't get to read every night like I used to and I've come to realize that I haven't been quite happy or as energetic as I was before. So starting a few days ago with my new book, The Dream Giver, I read one hour every night even if I don't get to bed by 2am. I'm feeling much better and have my goals back on track ready to take action.
One of the things I learned from the books is that what you read before going to bed get programmed into the subconscious and makes the body take action. So if what you're reading is positive stuff, then you will take positive action when you wake up. This also works for negative stuff too but we won't go there because you shouldn't be thinking about negative stuff anyway.
Imagine if you told yourself everday in the mirror, "I'm the best in all that I do because I'm really an awesome person." And then nod your head, say "YES" and smile. What would happen? I know you'd feel 100% better about yourself after awhile and your actions will show it. They say a smile is contagious, well same goes for positive attitude. If you had a positive attitude, wouldn't more people want to hang around with you and want the same thing? Give it 2 weeks of doing this exercise every day and/or night, and watch the transformation. If you don't see or feel anything, you have my permission to come back here and tell me.
If you seem "lost" in any of these books, I have a free teleconference you can go on that will help you understand more clearly. Talk about having an "AHA!" moment. LOL Or, try downloading the e-book listed on the right and open your mind to a new way of thinking. :-)
Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success - The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement - by Napoleon Hill
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself - by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D
The Magic of Thinking Big - by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - by Angelica Eberle Wagner
The Dream Giver - by Bruce Wilkinson (I'm currently reading)
I did a little test on myself in the last few months. I started out reading these books, reading an hour every night before I went to bed. Just a few chapters in that hour. I actually started feeling pretty good about my future and what I wanted out of my business. Then for about a month, I got sidetracked with all the daily duties of being a Mom to 3 kids and going to the beach so they can play. I didn't get to read every night like I used to and I've come to realize that I haven't been quite happy or as energetic as I was before. So starting a few days ago with my new book, The Dream Giver, I read one hour every night even if I don't get to bed by 2am. I'm feeling much better and have my goals back on track ready to take action.
One of the things I learned from the books is that what you read before going to bed get programmed into the subconscious and makes the body take action. So if what you're reading is positive stuff, then you will take positive action when you wake up. This also works for negative stuff too but we won't go there because you shouldn't be thinking about negative stuff anyway.
Imagine if you told yourself everday in the mirror, "I'm the best in all that I do because I'm really an awesome person." And then nod your head, say "YES" and smile. What would happen? I know you'd feel 100% better about yourself after awhile and your actions will show it. They say a smile is contagious, well same goes for positive attitude. If you had a positive attitude, wouldn't more people want to hang around with you and want the same thing? Give it 2 weeks of doing this exercise every day and/or night, and watch the transformation. If you don't see or feel anything, you have my permission to come back here and tell me.
If you seem "lost" in any of these books, I have a free teleconference you can go on that will help you understand more clearly. Talk about having an "AHA!" moment. LOL Or, try downloading the e-book listed on the right and open your mind to a new way of thinking. :-)
At 4:03 AM ,
Blissful saddhu said...
Hello Mary Leedy, Success By Candlelight Coach! I have a blog that you might like to check out positive. Thanks.
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